Cohen-Chen, S., Brady, G., Massaro, S., van Kleef, G. (2022). Meh, Whatever: The Effects of Indifference Expressions on Cooperation in Social Conflict. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Tay, E., Vlaev, I., Massaro, S. (2022). The Behavioral Factors that Influence Person-centered Social Care: A Literature Review and Conceptual Framework. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(70), 4334.
Nikolaou, V., Massaro, S., Garn, W., Fakhimi, M., Stergioulas, L., Price, D. (2021). The Fast Decliner Phenotype of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Applying Machine Learning for Predicting Lung Function Loss. BMJ Open Respiratory Research, 8(1).
Nikolaou, V., Massaro, S., Garn, W., Fakhimi, M., & Stergioulas, L. (2021). COVID-19 diagnosis from chest X-rays: Developing a simple, fast, and accurate neural network. Health Information Science and Systems, 9(36).
Massaro, S., and Baljević, D. (2022). Organizational Neuroscience. In Oxford Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Oxford University Press.
Massaro, S., & Lorenzoni, G. (2021). Nanomedicine: A Socio-Technical System. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 173(10), 121066.
Nikolaou, V., Massaro, S., Garn, W., Fakhimi, M., Stergioulas, L., & Price, D. (2021). The Cardiovascular Phenotype of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Applying Machine Learning to the Prediction of Cardiovascular Comorbidities. Respiratory Medicine, 186, 106528.
Scarpazza, C, Zangrossi, A., Huang, Y., Sartori, G., & Massaro, S. (2022). Disentangling Interoceptive Abilities in Alexithymia. Psychological Research, 86, 844–857.
Massaro, S., Drover, W., Cerf, M., Hmieleski, K. (2021). Using Functional Neuroimaging to Advance Entrepreneurial Cognition Research. Journal of Small Business Management (In press).
Nikolaou, V., Massaro, S., Fakhimi, M., Stergioulas, L., & Price, D. (2020). Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) phenotypes and machine learning cluster analysis: A systematic review and future research agenda. Respiratory Medicine, 171, 106093.
Porumb, M., Iadanza, E., Massaro, S., & Pecchia, L. (2020). A Convolutional Neural Network Approach to Detect Congestive Heart Failure. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 55(1), 101597.

Featured in Forbes (Int.) | Forbes (France) | Daily Mail | HospiMedica | Engineering & Technology Magazine | Science Daily | EHealth | Design Products and Applications | Verdict | Medical Xpress | Surrey Chamber of Commerce | Cardiovascular Business | News Medical | Notizie scientifiche (Italy) | Outlook (India) | India Times (India) | NewsGram (India) | Nauka Vesti (Russia) | EZone (Hong Kong) | CafeBiz (Vietnam) | Gene Online (China) | Naftemporiki (Greece) | Zougla (Greece) | Tekniikka & Talous (Finland) | Spuntiknews (Turkey) | Compueterwelt (Austria) |
TRE Talk Radio Europe (Spain)
Massaro, S. (2020). The Organizational Neuroscience of Emotions. In: L. Yang, R. S. Cropanzano, C. Daus, & V. A. M. Tur (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Workplace Affect (pp. 15-36). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Massaro, S., & Pecchia, L. (2019). Heart Rate Variability (HRV): A Methodology for Organizational Neuroscience. Organizational Research Methods, 22(1), 354-393.
Featured in WBS Research Highlights
Healey, M. P., Hodgkinson, G. P., & Massaro, S. (2018). Can Brains Manage? The Brain, Emotion, and Cognition in Organizations. In L. Petitta, C. E. J. Härtel, N. M. Ashkanasy, & W. J. Zerbe (Eds.), Research on Emotions in Organizations: Individual, Relational, and Contextual Dynamics of Emotions (Vol. 14, pp. 27-58). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.
Tay, E. Y. J., & Massaro, S. (2018). Planning and Shared Decision Making in Elderly Care. PsyArxiv [Preprint].
Scarpazza, C., Huang, Y., Zangrossi, A., & Massaro, S. (2018). Is Interoceptive Sensitivity Linked to Interoceptive Awareness in Alexithymia?. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 109, 132.
Castaldo R., Montesinos L., Wan T. S., Serban A., Massaro S., & Pecchia L. (2018) Heart Rate Variability Analysis and Performance During a Repeated Mental Workload Task. In: H. Eskola, O. Väisänen, J. Viik, & J. Hyttinen (Eds.), EMBEC & NBC IFMBE Proceedings (Vol. 65, pp. 69-72). Singapore: Springer.
Castaldo R., Montesinos L., Melillo P., Massaro S., & Pecchia L. (2018) To What Extent Can We Shorten HRV Analysis in Wearable Sensing? A Case Study on Mental Stress Detection. In: H. Eskola, O. Väisänen, J. Viik, & J. Hyttinen (Eds.), EMBEC & NBC IFMBE Proceedings (Vol. 65, pp. 643-646). Singapore: Springer.

2017 EMBEC Young Investigator Award (Finalist; Top-10)
2017 ABTA Doctoral Researcher Award (Castaldo R.)

Cropanzano, R. S., Massaro, S., & Becker, W. J. (2017). Deontic Justice and Organizational Neuroscience. Journal of Business Ethics, 144(4), 733-754.
Massaro, S. (2017). Neuroscience Methods: A Framework for Managerial and Organizational Cognition. In: R. J. Galavan, K. J. Sund, & G. P. Hodgkinson (Eds.) Methodological Challenges and Advances in Managerial and Organizational Cognition (Vol. 2, pp. 241-278). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.
Tay, E. Y. J., Massaro, S., & Vlaev, I. (2017). Towards a Behavioral Model of Shared Decision Making. In: G. Atinc (Ed.), Academy of Management Global Proceedings (Vol. 1, 13986). Atlanta: Academy of Management.
Best International Paper Award, HCM Division, Academy of Management
Carolyn B. Dexter Award Nominee, Academy of Management
Travel Scholarship, HCM Division, Academy of Management (Tay E.)
Featured in WBS Research Highlights
Drover, W., Massaro, S., Cerf, M., & Busenitz, L. (2017). Neuro-Entrepreneurship. In: G. Atinc (Ed.), Academy of Management Global Proceedings (Vol. 1, 13893). Atlanta: Academy of Management.
Healey, M. P., Hodgkinson, G. P., & Massaro, S. (2017). Emotion Regulation in Organizations: Integrating Neural and Social Processes. In: G. Atinc (Ed.), Academy of Management Global Proceedings (Vol. 1, 16741). Atlanta: Academy of Management.
Massaro, S., & Becker, W. J. (2015). Organizational Justice Through The Window of Neuroscience. In: D. Waldman & P. Balthazard (Eds.), Organizational Neuroscience - Monographs in Leadership and Management (Vol. 7, pp. 257-276). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.
Massaro, S. (2015). Neuroscientific Methods Applications in Strategic Management. In: G. B. Dagnino & C. Cinci (Eds.), Strategic Management: A Research Method Handbook (pp. 253-282). New York, NY: Routledge.
Massaro, S. (2015). Neurofeedback in the Workplace: From Neurorehabilitation Hope to Neuroleadership Hype?. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 38(3), 276-278.
Massaro, S. (2014). Neuroscience Methods: Promising Tools to Advance Organizational Research on Affect. In: J. Humphreys (Ed.), Academy of Management Global Proceedings (Vol. 1, 12260). Vancouver: Academy of Management.
Massaro, S. (2013). Can W.H.O. Survive? An Organisational Strategy Question. The Lancet, 381(9868), 726.
Massaro, S. (2012). Breast Cancer Screening: New Technologies for a New Debate. British Medical Journal, 345:e7330.
Massaro, S. (2012). Managing Knowledge-Intensive Workers. Nature Biotechnology, 30(7), 721-723.
Massaro, S., & Jong, S. (2011). To Think or Feel? Trust Within Hierarchy and Knowledge-intensive Work. In: L. Toombs (Ed.), Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings (Vol. 1, 1-6). San Antonio: Academy of Management.
Inaugural Most Innovative Student Paper Award, OB Division, Academy Of Management
SAGE Best Student Paper Award
EGOS Best Student Paper (Finalist; Top-3)